What we do with our money reveals something much deeper — what’s in our hearts (Matthew6:21). God is the creator and owner of everything, so we are merely stewards of His creation (1 Chronicles-29:14).
We encourage members and regular attenders to follow the Biblical model of giving cheerfully (2 Corinthians-9:7) and sacrificially (Psalm 4:5). Contributing financially to the work of the church out of our “first fruits” is an acknowledgement that all we have been given is given to us by God and is to be used for his purposes (Matthew 25:14-30). It is an expression of worship in response to all that God has done in our midst.
It is through your contributions that God's work is possible. We also rely on our family, friends, and Christian community to contribute to God's work at the Church of the Holy Spirit.
We contribute our time and talent through our involvement in the ministries of the church, volunteering where we are called to serve.
At our church services, we give our treasure during the service by placing our contributions in the offering plate. We may mail in a check to the church or use a bank's bill pay service to mail in a check. We now offer an online way to give, we call eGiving. Even if you watch our service on this website or through FACEBOOK, you now may give online.
Please continue reading below for details about the ways to give.
If you wish to present your contributions in person, we have Sunday services at 8 AM and 10 AM and a Healing service at 6 PM on Wednesdays. Envelopes are available in the pews. When you make an annual pledge you receive your own envelopes. You can place your contributions in the offering plate. We also have baskets for food pantry donations.
Please make checks payable and mail to
Holy Spirit Episcopal Church
601 Philippe Pkwy
Safety Harbor, FL 34695
Your bank may provide online banking for bill pay checks which should be addressed to:
Holy Spirit Episcopal Church
601 Philippe Pkwy
Safety Harbor, FL 34695
Set up a recurring payment or give a one-time donation using your debit or credit card, We have worked with Vanco, a leading provider of eGiving platforms for churches to provide simple, fast, and secure way for you to contribute.
Set up a recurring payment or give a one-time donation using your debit, credit, or bank account.