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Service bulletins and readings available
Welcome to all! Paul's Letter to the Hebrews instructs us to approach worship "with sincere heart in full assurance of faith" (Hebrews 10:22). Let us sincerely lift up our hearts to the Lord and extend our hands in loving fellowship to one another. May God bless us all!
Holy Eucharist is celebrated each Sunday at 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM.
The 8:00 AM service of Holy Communion does not include music and is taken predominantly from the traditional language Rite I of the Book of Common Prayer.
The 10:00 AM celebration includes a variety of musical styles (from baroque to contemporary) as a vehicle for worship and is taken predominantly from the contemporary language Rite II of the Book of Common Prayer.
Wednesday, 6:00 PM
This worship service begins with a simple celebration of Holy Communion, followed by the rite of Holy Unction. Holy Unction is the laying on of hands and anointing with oil for healing of body, mind and spirit, and for strength and joy in the Christian life, either for one's self or on behalf of another.
After baptism, the bishop or priest places a hand on the head of the newly baptized person, marking the forehead with the sign of the cross, addressing each one by name and saying, "You are sealed by the Holy Spirit in Baptism and marked as Christ's own forever"
The Holy Sacrament of Matrimony
Marriage Ceremonies and Renewal of Vows
Celebrations of Christmas
"Blue" Christmas
Christmas Eve with Music 5:30
Christmas Day
Celebration of July 4th Sunday
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